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Tristan Vié
Chief Sales Officer @ JobTeaser | Author "You don't need to be CEO"

Tristan boasts over a decade of experience as Chief Sales Officer (CSO) at JobTeaser, where he manages a sales team across France, Germany, and the Nordics, specializing in new and existing business development, along with indirect sales channels.

During his tenure, Tristan played a key role in JobTeaser's growth, contributing to scaling the team from 18 to over 400 employees and expanding the partnerships network from 8 to 800 alliances across Europe.

Beyond his corporate role, Tristan is committed to mentorship and coaching, serving as a coach and trainer at On Train and a mentor for Yaniro. He authored "You Don't Need a CEO to Start Up," sharing insights on management and scaling strategies.

As a member of the committee at WILCO, a startup incubator, Tristan contributes to fostering entrepreneurial ventures. With a humble approach and a wealth of experience, he is dedicated to empowering others and driving organizational success.

Session :
Valérie Vaquerizo
Mentor and expert in Partnering experience

Valerie is an expert in “Partner experience” with more than 30 years of professional experience cumulated in direct sales and in partnerships for the High tech industry.

Having worked in 12 different positions, she sold for more than 27M€ directly and influenced more than 400M€ along her career,  in 9 startups, scale ups and corporate companies in France and globally.

She worked as a contributor, a director of large accounts and strategic alliances and as a manager of ecosystem partners managers. Along her career, she worked for or with big names like Accenture, BearingPoint, Capgemini, Cegid, HP,  IBM and SAS Institute.

She completed her professional experience with an International MBA cursus, wrote a thesis on strategic alliances and went through recently a personal coaching certification.

She is a passionate about the partner experience and in particular about building long term relationships with an ecosystem that will generate sustainable  growth.

Having experimented, executed and modelized many different partner growth strategies in 30 best practices, she can quickly assess your company partner maturity and spot directly your  key success factors in your partnering experience. This assessment could be done through different angles :
strategic, tactical and/or competency wise and will lead you to immediate actionable items

Session :
Jérémy Guigner
Ex-Partner Manager for PeopleSpheres, Sales and Alliances Director for Place de la Formation (HRIS)

With 8 years' experience in HRIS, Jérémy is now one of France's leading experts in this sector.

He is also an expert in partnership policies for companies wishing to structure and develop this new indirect sales activity.

Jérémy has held a variety of positions over the past 10 years (European Technical Manager for a franchise network, support consultant, CSM, pre-sales consultant, partnerships manager, etc.).

Gifted with great interpersonal skills, active listening and global thinking, he has structured the partnership policies of PeopleSpheres (from 10 to 60 partners in 3 years) and Place de la Formation (restoring a more modern, better-known image to a company that has been on the market for 18 years).

Today, he is Sales and Alliances Director at Place de la Formation, TMS in the HRIS ecosystem, where he implements alliance policies with software editors, consulting firms, integrators and independent consultants.

Session :
Hippolyte Thibierge
Strategic Partner Specialist at Hero and Cofondateur at Partnershift

Hippolyte is a professional with a passion for building partnerships in startups, his experience further enriched by previous roles as Chief of Staff, VC Analyst, and entrepreneur.

Currently Partner Specialist Manager at Hero since February 2023, and co-founder of Partnershift, Hippolyte specializes in :
- Supporting companies through the assessment of their current partnership landscapes
- Developping of tailored partnership strategies
- Mentoring of their implementation.

Co-founder of Partnershift:
- Created a community of over 950 passionate members focused on partnerships.
- Co-created a media dedicated to partnerships, with a podcast and newsletter.
- Designed and executed strategies for a community project with 2 co-founders.

Masterclasses co-organized:
- Flomodia: Partnerships with startups: From 0 to 1
- Qonto: Effective partnership integration
- Spendesk: Engaging your partners at scale

Partnership Manager France at sunday:
- Created the partnerships department with 2 team members.
- Designed and implemented a comprehensive partnership program.
- Successfully found, signed, and integrated 20 partners, generating over 300 qualified leads (OKR: 95%).

Session :
Martin Catineau
CMO at Openeat & co-founder at Partnershift

With over 7 years of experience in the tech industry, I have carved out a distinguished career as a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), renowned for driving business growth, enhancing sales operations, leading marketing activations, and steering strategic projects and management teams with unparalleled expertise.

Currently, I am at the forefront of establishing the entire marketing framework for @Openeat, a revolutionary offering in the food tech space. @Openeat stands out as the only restaurant voucher system that is universally accepted, designed to bolster purchasing power and transform the dining experience for users everywhere.

In addition to my primary role, I have initiated and lead @Partnershift, a groundbreaking side project. As the first B2B community of its kind, @Partnershift unites over 900 French partnership professionals—including Vice Presidents, Heads of Partnerships, and Managers—creating an exclusive network for collaboration, innovation, and professional growth in the realm of partnerships.

Session :
Thomas Le Cun
Responsable des partenariats chez Spendesk

Thomas Le Cun est un stratège expérimenté en matière de partenariats et de revenus qui possède 8 ans d'expérience dans la création et la gestion réussies d'équipes ou de programmes en Europe. Il a travaillé à la fois dans des entreprises en expansion et dans de grandes entreprises, fournissant une vision et des conseils pour les fonctions de partenariat à différentes étapes.

Il a également défini et mis en œuvre de nombreuses initiatives stratégiques en matière de revenus, notamment la structure de l'organisation des ventes, la segmentation du marché, la tarification et le conditionnement, ainsi que la feuille de route des partenariats. Grâce à son expertise en matière de partenariats et de stratégie de revenus, Thomas peut fournir des informations et des conseils précieux à toute entreprise qui souhaite développer ses partenariats, ses fonctions ou ses sources de revenus en seulement 30 minutes.

Session :

Nos clients nous adorent 💜

Cela faisait longtemps que nous réfléchissions à modifier notre stratégie de commercialisation avec mon cofondateur. Nous avions une idée de ce qui devait être fait, mais nous voulions obtenir la validation de personnes expérimentées dans notre créneau. Nous avons réservé 3 appels avec 3 experts en 3 jours. Cela n'a pas échoué. Ils nous aident à affiner notre stratégie dans les détails et nous avons aidés à établir une feuille de route claire pour l'année prochaine.
Better Call est désormais ma ressource de référence lorsque j'ai besoin de l'avis rapide d'experts sur un sujet spécifique.

Jean-Baptiste Jezequel

Co-fondateur d'Evaboot

Une solution de haute qualité pour entrer rapidement en contact avec des experts en technologie. Better Call propose des réponses pertinentes qui accélèrent considérablement l'avancement des projets.

Sur la base de mon expérience, je le recommande vivement à tous ceux qui recherchent des consultations techniques efficaces et fiables.

Rayan Benamour

Chef de projet Strategy & Development chez LPH

Super experience sur Better Call ! En quelques clics, nous pouvons facilement organiser un échange fructueux avec un expert sur notre problématique actuelle.

En un mot : efficace.

Andréas Lambropoulos

CPO and co-founder of Tripartie

Je recherchais une véritable expertise stratégique et pratique sur un sujet précis (le référencement naturel). Grâce à Better Call, j'ai pu prendre rendez-vous avec JB, l'un des meilleurs experts du domaine, en moins de 2 jours.
À peine 30 minutes après l'appel, JB a été en mesure de me fournir une multitude de conseils très pratiques à court terme, sans aucune absurdité. Nous avons facilement économisé plusieurs heures de travail.
La possibilité de faire appel aux meilleurs experts sur chaque sujet est une ressource inestimable pour tout chef d'entreprise.

François Menjaud

Cofondateur et PDG de Fygr
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