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Marc de Zordo

Entrepreneur, Founder in MarTech industry (ex. myposeo, getfluence)

🇫🇷 French & 🇬🇧 English
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Marc de Zordo has founded and developed numerous companies, navigating them through phases of profitable growth and hyper-growth, and has made significant contributions to various projects across different sectors. His latest entrepreneurial venture, Getfluence, established in 2018, impressively scaled to a turnover of €10M within five years. Achieving profitability in just one year, he successfully raised €5M and led a team of over 50 employees, expanding operations across five European markets, with a footprint in five offices and three subsidiaries.

His approach is characterized by pragmatism and meticulous attention to detail, driven by a strong business orientation, a comprehensive perspective, and a robust tech/digital culture. This foundation has allowed him to excel in several key areas, including the definition and execution of digital, business, and marketing strategies; the creation and management of companies on both a local and international scale with effective deployment of resources; and the development of a business-centric product vision.

He has adeptly led wide-ranging 360-degree projects encompassing product and technology, from roadmap setting and objective definition to team management and deadline adherence. His strategies have consistently boosted productivity through the use of technology and automation while optimizing costs, ensuring the continuous growth of profitable businesses.

One-to-one mentorship program
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€/30 min (HT)
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In just 30 minutes of the call, JB was able to provide me with a wealth of highly actionable advice for the short term, no nonsense. We easily saved several hours of work.
The ability to tap into the best experts on each subject is an invaluable resource for any business leader.

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