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Raphael Vullierme

Co-founder & CEO at Luko

🇫🇷 French & 🇬🇧 English
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Raphaël Vullierme is a notable European tech entrepreneur with a history of launching and scaling innovative startups. Educated at INSA Lyon and HEC Paris, he initiated his entrepreneurial journey by founding goodfood, a pioneering meal delivery service. He expanded his influence internationally with Rocket Internet in Berlin, leading the launch of across Europe and establishing a significant presence in the vertically integrated food delivery sector.

Venturing into the private aviation industry, Raphaël launched, raising €2.5 million and building a cross-continental team, showcasing his capacity for international project management. In 2016, he co-founded Luko with Benoît Bourdel, aiming to revolutionize the home insurance market. Luko quickly became France's top online home insurer, securing a 25% market share and insuring 500,000 homes in three countries, underscored by strategic acquisitions and a leading brand reputation with a Net Promoter Score above 70.

Raphaël Vullierme's career reflects his ability to identify market opportunities and execute innovative solutions, making a significant impact on the European tech and entrepreneurial landscape.

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